Spells For Luck In Gambling

Spells For Luck In Gambling 3,8/5 6443 votes
  1. This spell is for Good luck with winning money, gambling and/or investing. Perform this spell when the Moon is waxing and before you gamble, enter a contest for money or make a new investment.
  2. A Gambling spell is designed to dissolve that dark cloud while embedding within you a confident, positive feeling that will stay with you always. Increase the potency of your Gambling Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gambler's Amulet when your Gambling spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing.

Gambling Spells and Sorceries from Antiquity

Gambling spells are best to have cast for the following situations:

  • Get luck for gambling;
  • Attract wealth and fortune while gambling;
  • Enhance luck with cards, dice and materials that you touch;
  • Win at racing forms, lottery tickets, bingo and other forms of paper gambling;
  • Bring you luck with the horses;
  • Stop gambling;
  • There is no backfire with any magic spells, spell work, ceremonial, or ritualized work that is done here. It is completely safe, and comes with a lifetime guarantee.
  • You can get a fully customized spell cast for your exact needs. If you have any questions, I can be reached at admin@ancientmagicspells.com

This spell is for Good luck with winning money, gambling and/or investing. Perform this spell when the Moon is waxing and before you gamble, enter a contest for money or make a new investment.

Restrictions if any for the custom gambling spells

The spell may not be able to be cast properly if you do not let me know if you have had other spell work cast for you previously by another caster before engaging in my services. If you received any amulets, talismans, candles, potions, powders, magic rings, dolls, conjure bags, mojo bags, etc., Its best that you dispose of those items prior to getting any spell work cast from me. If you do not dispose of the item properly chances are good that any spell work that you get from me will be useless, a waste of my time and your money. If you need any help disposing of any item just contact me, and I will advise you on disposing of it. If you have any questions feel free to contact me prior to ordering any spell work. If you would like the best that I have to offer that will work in any situation. I would suggest the 7 day 7 ritual series, the 9 day 9 ritual series, the 10 day 16 ritual series, or the 20 day 32 ritual series of spells. They can be found for specific situations such as, healing, legal-court case, love related issues, money problems, sexual issues, or sex related problems. If you would like the ritual series fully customized for your needs. They can be found at custom black magic spells and custom spells.

What is included with the spell?

This spell includes

  • Removal of any prior spell work that you have had cast
  • Cleansing and protection spells are cast before and after the main spell casting
  • Any and all supplies needed for the casting will be checked, and inspected for quality. The supplies used may include the following herbs, candles, potions, charm, amulet, talismans, root charms, ju-ju, juju, periapt, incense, powders, charm bags, conjure, mojo, or gris-gris bags. Etc.
  • 100% Lifetime Guarantee For more information click here
  • Layaway and payment plans are available click here
  • Discounts on any other spell work
  • All correspondence and spell work is 100% confidential

Required materials for the spell casting

I require the following materials, or samples from you for the spell casting

  1. Your full name and date of birth
  2. Full name and date of birth of anyone involved in the spell
  3. Pictures of all parties involved in the spell
  4. Samples needed may vary due to your situation
  5. A brief e-mail stating what the exact specific problem is
  6. An itemized list of what you want from the spell casting

Type of casting available for the spell work

All gambling spells also known as gambling spell, lottery spell, spells for lottery, spells for gambling, spell for lottery, lucky gambler's talismans, gambling potions, spell for gambling, gamblers lucky charms, and lucky hand root charms can be cast using whatever methods you are comfortable with including; white magic, black magic, magick, hoodoo, luciferian witchcraft, voodoo, rootwork, christian magic, candomble, macymba, chango, naniguismo, egyptian witchcraft, santeria, satanism, necromancy, witchcraft, and many other forms of magic are used here.

Time frame and results

All spell work cast as a general rule needs the proper time to work. Results can be seen any time after the spell work is cast to several month's time, with three to six months for results being normal. There are no guarantees that you will get results in that time frame, results happen when they happen in the occult. Any place stating that you can get results guaranteed in 24 hours. 30, 60, or 90 days is just after your money.

Custom Gambling Spell

  • $400.00 - 25% Down Payment $100.00
  • $600.00 - 25% Down Payment $150.00
  • This spell is fully cast to your specifications
  • The custom gambling spell for $400.00 is available for $600.00 with your choice of amulet, candle, charm, incense, oil, talisman, charm bag, root charm bag, potion, powder, hoodoo oil, root charm, Etc. For more information see the magical items page.
  • Catalog reference #1000CGAMBS
  • Catalog reference #1000CGAMBS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

*.* Note *.* If you are buying any gambling oils, or gambling hoodoo oils the above prices quoted include a full one-year supply of the oil, and yes that includes the 25% down payment as well.

Custom Black Magic Gambling Spell

  • $400.00 - 25% Down Payment $100.00
  • $600.00 - 25% Down Payment $150.00
  • This spell is fully cast to your specifications
  • The custom black magic gambling spell for $400.00 is available for $600.00 with your choice of amulet, candle, charm, incense, oil, talisman, charm bag, root charm bag, potion, powder, hoodoo oil, root charm, Etc. For more information see the magical items page.
  • Catalog reference #1000CBMGAMBS
  • Catalog reference #1000CBMGAMBS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

*.* Note *.* If you are buying any gambling oils, or gambling hoodoo oils the above prices quoted include a full one-year supply of the oil, and yes that includes the 25% down payment as well.

Custom Gambling Amulets Charms and Talismans

These authentic custom gambling amulets and custom gambling talismans are the most powerful occult related items that one can wear, carry, or keep in the home. These custom amulets and custom talismans are available for any type of preventive, or protective magical, and spiritual use. These are extremely powerful amulets and talismans. The only other spells that i would highly recommend other than these are the custom 7, 9, 10, and 20 day ritual series of spells, the statues, or the authentic Haitian vodou dolls.

Get an authentic specialized custom lucky gambler's amulet, custom lucky gambler's talisman, custom gamblers lucky charm, or a custom lucky hand root charm spell cast using advanced gambling wealth, and luck methods for your specific needs for $500.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom amulet gambling spell, custom charm gambling spell, custom root charm gambling spell, or the custom talisman gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These amulets, charms and talismans are ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These amulets, charms and talismans come with their own protective gris-gris bags, and are filled with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Full one year supply of handmade cleansing incense
  • Full one year supply of handmade protection incense
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $500.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Amulet, charm, or talisman with incense is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBLKYAMULET-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBLKYAMULET-SP
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBLKYCHARM-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBLKYCHARM-SP
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBLKYROOTCHARM-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBLKYROOTCHARM-SP
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBLKYTALISMAN-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBLKYTALISMAN-SP
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Custom Angel and Demon Rune Gambling Spells

These authentic fully customized angel and demon rune gambling spells are the most powerful custom spells that are cast here at ancient magic spells, and are part of the best-selling ritual series of spells. The white magic angel rune spells are cast using various angels, deities, lwa, demi-gods, gods, goddesses, and other spirits, or entities, which are summoned on your behalf. The rituals include offerings to various angels, deities, lwa, demi-gods, gods, and goddesses. The demon rune spells are cast using various angels, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, demons, and other spirits, or entities. The demon rune series are more popular than the angel rune series because they are more powerful, and are extremely potent. Both the angel and demon rune series include complex cleansing and protection ceremonies and rituals, and spells that are performed for you before, and after your main spell casting as part of the spell. The demon rune series can also be found on the custom black magic spells page, and the angel rune series can also be found on the custom spells page.

Custom 7 Day 7 Ritual Angel Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom 7 day 7 ritual angel rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $600.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom 7 day 7 ritual angel rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $600.00 - 25% Down Payment $150.00
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000C7D7RARGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000C7D7RARGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Black Magic 7 ay 7 Ritual Demon Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom black magic 7 day 7 ritual demon rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $600.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom black magic 7 day 7 ritual demon rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $600.00 - 25% Down Payment $150.00
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM7D7RDRGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM7D7RDRGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom 9 Day 9 Ritual Angel Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom 9 day 9 ritual angel rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $750.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom 9 day 9 ritual angel rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $750.00 - 25% Down Payment $187.50
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000C9D9RARGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000C9D9RARGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Black Magic 9 Day 9 Ritual Demon Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom black magic 9 day 9 ritual demon rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $750.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom black magic 9 day 9 ritual demon rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $750.00 - 25% Down Payment $187.50
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM9D9RDRGAMBLINGS
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM9D9RDRGAMBLINGS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom 10 Day 16 Ritual Angel Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom 10 day 16 ritual angel rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $1,250.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom 10 day 16 ritual angel rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $1,250.00 - 25% Down Payment $312.50
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000C10D16RARGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000C10D16RARGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Black Magic 10 Day 16 Ritual Demon Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom black magic 10 day 16 ritual demon rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $1,250.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom black magic 10 day 16 ritual demon rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $1,250.00 - 25% Down Payment $312.50
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM10D16RDRGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM10D16RDRGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom 20 Day 32 Ritual Angel Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom 20 day 32 ritual angel rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $2,000.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom 20 day 32 ritual angel rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $2,000.00 - 25% Down Payment $500.00
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000C20D32RARGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000C20D32RARGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Black Magic 20 Day 32 Ritual Demon Rune Gambling Spell

Get an authentic custom black magic 20 day 32 ritual demon rune gambling spell cast to your exact specifications for $2,000.00. This best selling extremely powerful spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom black magic 20 day 32 ritual demon rune gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These rune spells are carefully ritualized and prepared especially for you
  • These rune spells are carefully cast with protection and cleansing spells cast before and after the main spell casting
  • These rune spells are cast using lwa, angels, demons, gods, deities, djinn, demi-gods, goddesses, and other entities, or spirits invoked on your behalf as well as an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $2,000.00 - 25% Down Payment $500.00
  • Nothing is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM20D32RDRGAMBLS
  • Catalog reference #1000CBM20D32RDRGAMBLS-25
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Candle Gambling Spell

These candle spells also known in various magical traditions as tallow spells, beeswax spells, candele spells, candela spells, candere spells, and wax spells. These are extremely powerful candle spells that are used for authentic magic spells and magic spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom candle gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $450.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom candle gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These candles are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These candles are made with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, hoodoo oils, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • One hand made beeswax candle
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Full one year supply of handmade cleansing incense
  • Full one year supply of handmade protection incense
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $450.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Candle and incense is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBCANDLE-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBCANDLE-SP
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Custom Gris-Gris Bag Gambling Spell

These gris-gris bags also known in various magical traditions as dilly bag, magic bag, medicine bag, mojo bag, trick bag, wanga, mojo, ouanga bag, phylacteries, amulet bag, charm bag, and conjure bag. These are very powerful voodoo gris-gris bags that are used for authentic voodoo spells, authentic mojo magic spell work, and authentic black and white magic spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom gris-gris bag gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $450.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom gris-gris bag gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These gris-gris bags are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These gris-gris bags are filled with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • One hand made gris-gris bag
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Full one year supply of handmade cleansing incense
  • Full one year supply of handmade protection incense
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $450.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Gris-Gris Bag and incense is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBGRGRBAG-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBGRGRBAG-SP
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Incense Gambling Spell

These incense spells also known in various magical traditions as incendere spells, incend spells, incensen spells, incnsum spells, and incensus spells. These are powerful incense spells that are used for authentic magic spells and magic spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom incense gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $450.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom incense gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • This incense is hand made and is prepared especially for you
  • This incense is made with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, hoodoo oils, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • One package, or bag of incense
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $450.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Incense is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBINCENSE-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBINCENSE-SP
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Custom Magic Wand Gambling Spell

These authentic custom magic wands are extremely effective for your magical, and spiritual use, and the perfect item for you to use to help make your desires manifest. These wands are ritually cleansed, and charged with your own personal energies. These wands are best used for cleansing, divination, healing, love magic, fertility, prosperity, protection, and general spiritual work. These magic wands are available for any type of preventive, or protective magical, and spiritual use. Unlike most magic wands being offered for sale that are made of wood, cast iron, or other material that can warp, crack, tarnish. or break over time the wands here are made with natural crystals, and minerals surrounded by a stainless steel metal wand that comes with a lifetime guarantee, if the wand ever warps, breaks, tarnishes, or gets damaged from normal use you just send it back to me, and i will replace it free of charge. The only other spells that i would highly recommend other than these are the custom 7, 9, 10, and 20 day ritual series of spells, the statues, or the authentic Haitian vodou dolls.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom magic wand gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $500.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom magic wand gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These magic wands are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These magic wands are packaged with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $500.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Magic wand with leather case is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBMAGWAND-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBMAGWAND-SP
Click here to order this spell or request an invoice

Custom Perfumed Oil Gambling Spell

These perfumed oils also known in various magical traditions as anointing oils, voodoo oils, conjure oil, hoodoo oils, pure essential anointing oils, gemstone oils, dressing oils, lwa oils, hoodoo oil, voodoo oil, voodoo goddess oils, and voodoo god oils. These are extremely powerful oils that are used for all types of real authentic hoodoo spell work, and authentic mojo magic spell work, and voodoo spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom perfumed oil gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $450.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom perfumed oil gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These perfumed oils are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These perfumed oils are packaged, and filled with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, pure essential vodou anointing oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • One bottle of perfumed oil
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $450.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Perfumed oil is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBPERFUMEDOIL-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBPERFUMEDOIL-SP
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Custom Potion Gambling Spell

These potions also known in various magical traditions as magic potion, magique pocioun, elixir, philter, and philtre. These are powerful potions that are used for all types of authentic hoodoo spell work, root work, and authentic mojo magic, voodoo, and all types of white and black magic spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom potion gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $450.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom potion gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These potions are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These potions are packaged, and made with assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, powerful Haitian herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, ritualized powders, voodoo veves, powerful vodou powders, vodou anointing oils, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • One bottle of potion
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $450.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Potion is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBPOTION-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBPOTION-SP
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Custom Powder Gambling Spell


These powders also known in various magical traditions as magic powders, ritual powder, Haitian powders, magickal powders, vodou powders, voodoo powders, magical powders, powerful Haitian herbs and vodou powders. These are powerful powders that are used for all types of authentic hoodoo spell work, and authentic mojo magic, voodoo, and all types of white and black magic spell work.

Spells For Luck In Gambling

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom powder gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $450.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom powder gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These powders are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These powders are packaged, and made with assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, powerful Haitian herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, ritualized powders, voodoo veves, powerful vodou powders, vodou anointing oils, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • 1/2 Pound of powder
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $450.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Powder is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBPOWDERS-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBPOWDERS-SP
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Custom Statue Gambling Spell

These statues also known in various magical traditions as estatue spells, statua spells, statuer spells that are used for all types of authentic voodoo spell work that is cast using gods, goddesses, saints, and different types of spirits, and all types of extremely powerful white and black magic spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom statue gambling spell cast for your specific needs for $1,250.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

Fast Luck Spell

What is included with the custom statue gambling spell? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • These statues are hand made and are prepared especially for you
  • These statues are packaged, and prepared with assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, powerful Haitian herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, ritualized powders, voodoo veves, powerful vodou powders, vodou anointing oils, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • One hand made statue
  • Easy to follow detailed instructions
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $1,250.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Statue is shipped with this spell
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBSTATUE-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBSTATUE-SP
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Custom Voodoo Doll Gambling Spell Kit

These voodoo dolls also known as Haitian voodoo dolls, Haitian voodoo doll, vodun doll voodoo spells, and voodoo doll spell kit, voodoo doll kits, and voodoo magic dolls. These are authentic voodoo spells, and are cast using old deities from antiquity which Haitian practitioners of vodou vodouisants call lwa, or loa, and are used for extremely potent authentic voodoo spell work.

Get an authentic hand made specialized custom voodoo doll gambling spell kit cast for your specific needs for $1,000.00 shipped. This spell includes your choice of one free custom spell. This spell also includes cleansing and protection spell work and comes with a lifetime guarantee from the world's premier spell casting service.

What is included with the custom voodoo doll gambling spell kit? You will receive the following with your purchase.

  • One custom voodoo doll spell kit prepared for you and fully cast
  • One hand made voodoo doll filled with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom voodoo doll
  • 4 Candles anointed, and ritualized for your needs
  • One handmade gris-gris bag
  • Gris-Gris bags are filled with an assortment of 100% rare authentic essential oils, sacred fetishes, herb's, magical roots, stones, shells, customized ritual powders, voodoo veves, and whatever else is required for your custom spell work
  • Layaway and payment plans are available see the payment page for more information
  • Lifetime Guarantee - covers the spell casting, ceremonial and spiritual work only, for more information see the lifetime guarantee page
  • $1,000.00 - Special price no down payment
  • Voodoo doll is shipped with this spell
  • Limit of one spell casting per voodoo spell kit
  • If you would like additional voodoo doll spells performed for you for different things. I can add additional dolls for $250.00 each just let me know at the time of purchase, and i will send you an invoice
  • Catalog reference white magic version #CGAMBVDOLLSPELLKIT-SP
  • Catalog reference black magic version #CBMGAMBVDOLLSPELLKIT-SP

Spells For Luck In Gambling Addiction

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Spells For Money

Free Custom Spell

Good Luck Spells

The free custom spell is valid on any spell work of equal, or lesser value, and is for the spell casting only. It is an extra spell that is fully cast for you at no charge for whatever you want. You may have any custom spell cast that I carry that does not include any shipped items. The most popular are the custom spells, and the custom black magic spells for $400.00. The parchment spells for $100.00, and the voodoo spells for $750.00.

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Spells For Luck In Gambling Room

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